gaMes deserve bEtter payments
Take gaming payments on the web or in-app with a partner who’s always in your corner
gamiNg first
And focused
Enjoy a payments experience designed for game developers and your players
more thAn a mor
Yes, Stash is your merchant of record. But we’re way more than that.
Why online gaming payments?
increase your revenue
By using online gaming payments rather than the app stores, you’ll earn more revenue for every dollar spent. Rather than 30% processing fees, you’re paying much less.
easily manage refunds
The app stores give you little visibility into refund decisions. Using online gaming payments puts you back in control so you can talk to users and see whether the refund is legit or fraud.
solve failed payment issues
The app stores may not disclose why a payment failed or let you talk to the user about it. With online gaming payments, you have direct email access so you can easily solve issues with users.
give players more choice
The app stores may not disclose why a payment failed or let you talk to the user about it. With online gaming payments, you have direct email access so you can easily solve issues with users.
online game payMent faq
Here are the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about online gaming payments
Yes, Stash’s gaming payment solution acts as your merchant of record and handles all taxes and compliance, so you don’t have to.
Yes, Stash’s gaming payment solution is a standalone product you can use to power your existing web shop - whether you built it in-house or with another provider.
To power your online gaming payments, Stash charges a 5% commission as well as the cost of the channel (ie credit card or carrier billing). Stash transparently reports all charges and deductions for each transaction.
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